Friday, August 8, 2014

Creating a Google Account

The Internet has a lot to offer educators.  One of the first ways to begin using the Internet in the classroom is to sign up for a Google account.  It is free and offers educators immediate access to a variety of programs that may help you organize your time (e.g. Google Calendar) and communicate efficiently with your students (e.g. Google Docs and Google Voice).  The following information is designed to help you create a Google account.

How to set up a Google Account (Gmail, docs, calendar, etc):

Go to this website:

  1. Fill out this information:

  1. Continue to fill out information

  1. Verify your account:

  1. Enter your verification code:

  1. Success!  Click on “Next Step” to access your Google Account

  1. There’s your email address:

  1. Here’s the next screen:
“Click” on that square at the top and then Gmail to access your email.

  1. Congrats!  Here’s your email account: